Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Awakening

Well, where to start? It’s been a bigger step than anticipated from college to HE. When Steve originally told us how imminent the first assignment was my stress levels were already rising. We’re just in the process of moving house so the timing of everything didn’t look good. However, now work’s begun on the assignment and I’m keeping up-to-date, I feel much more confident.

I must say there is a lot more group work than expected too. Steve mentioned ‘comfort zones’ and I think it’s fair to say I’m out of mine. I’ve always been something of a lone wolf, preferring to keep mostly to myself, so all this group work has been a bit daunting. I feel I’m settling in now though.

Today’s seminar group also deserves a mention. One inspirational piece was deemed inappropriate as assessable work (sorry again Steve), but I honestly thought I’d get away with it as artwork. I was a bit disappointed to be told it had to be removed; I mean I was looking for something unusual to include in there and it doesn’t get any more unusual than said piece. Still, I’ve learned my lesson and know not to include anything like it in future.

Something else I’m finding is just how long a day nine while six actually is! At first I found it hard to stay focused towards the end, but now it’s becoming routine I’m adjusting.

I could go on, but at 250 words I better leave it there.

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