Steve is our course tutor and he will be assessing the portfolio. He is looking for a site that validates to XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.1 and is creative enough to meet the course standard.
Steve is experienced at using websites and surfing the Internet. Both at home and at work he has a high speed Internet connection and is online frequently. To browse sites he uses his Apple MacBook and the latest version of Mozilla Firefox.
Websites Steve is likely to visit regularly include Apple's site, design related sites, typography related sites, other designer's blogs (he may follow some of these), social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, news sites, sport sites, gaming sites (particularly those related to console games such as Playstation), other technology related sites and 'lolcats'. Online purchases include Apple products, console games, other new technologies, design magazines and fonts.
Secondary - Clients and Potential Employers
Potential employers will most likely be experienced at using websites and surfing the Internet. They will also be likely to have high speed Internet connections both at work and at home and be online frequently. To browse sites they are likely to have the latest version of their chosen browser, which would probably be Mozilla Firefox as this is the most standards compliant.
They are likely to visit design related sites, typography related sites, other designer's blogs (they may follow some of these), social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, news sites and technology related sites. Online purchases include new technologies, design magazines and fonts.
Clients could be anyone from any business and their experience at using websites and surfing the Internet will vary. Their Internet connections will also vary as will the time they spend online. Tools for browsing sites will also vary, as will the sites they tend to visit. However, if they are looking for a web designer they are likely to view a number of portfolios to help them choose a designer they like.
Online purchases will vary.
Tertiary - Other Students
Students interested in my portfolio are likely to be other web design students looking for inspiration. They are likely to be experienced at using websites and surfing the Internet. They are also likely to have high speed Internet connections both at college/university and at home and be online frequently.
The websites they are likely to visit regularly include design related sites, typography related sites, other designer's blogs (they may follow some of these), social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, gaming sites (both console and online games), other web design student's portfolios and blogs, technology related sites, and possibly music and film related sites. Online purchases include new technologies, music, films and games.